Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Coffee pro / Coffee Con
*I get to consume cream and sugar, yay :) / I am consuming cream and sugar

*I like the taste of coffee / I have coffee breath for hours that I can't get rid of with mints or brushing.

*I like the smell of coffee / I can't sing for hours cause my throat feels dried out

*A coffee between breakfast and lunch keeps me from stupidly snacking / I am consuming cream and sugar (repeat is not an error)

*Wakes me up so I don't feel like I'm in slow motion or not motivated / Heart feels like it's going to explode

*Motivated to get stuff done after about a half an hour / Coffee is a diuretic, so I need to go to the bathroom NOW! (aka 1/2 hour)

*Wakes me up faster than tea / During coffee I am often still tired and then after wards I STILL crash

*I don't drink coffee regularly enough that I crave it or have any withdrawal when I don't have it / I don't drink coffee regularly enough that it works VERY WELL WHEN I DO DRINK IT!

*I get to use my favourite mug / I have to wash the stains out of my favourite mug

*Cheaper than beer and more accepted as a breakfast beverage than beer / Heard reports of coffee pulling nutrients out of the body to help digest... that can't be good

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