Sunday, December 6, 2009


It's the end of term. I'm sorry I have not written but there is much study to do.
With the reworking of my core foundational techniques of breathing and developing my cricothyroid muscles that I apparently have not ever developed before, singing is a very interesting experience. I love how when I go to lessons there is always another level we work on. I don't believe that by looking over lesson tapes that I'm ever going in with the same level of issues. I suppose it is because, except for the last two days that I have not been singing because of studying for finals, I practice every day. I'm learning. It does seem to be a matter of applying new technique to old voice. Which is hard because old voice is familiar and new technique is exciting. I'm trying to find some happy middle ground. Middle ground that we have found in my lessons feels like old technique. Curious.
So last week was the last week of formal lessons for the semester. I did sign up for two 1/2 hour lessons next week to have some sanity from studying and to make sure I still am singing. We'll see what happens.
We did decide to go forward in me having a recital in April. Which was quite a questioned option in September. I'm pleased about that. I hope I'm ready. We may still decide in March to postpone it. I know it will be for my best interests but I hope I am ready.
Cross fingers for me.