Saturday, February 2, 2013

Weighing in on this topic

Over the last year I have made a concerted effort to be healthier and loose weight. I honestly didn't do it for my looks. I did it because I didn't feel good, I was always tired, and I wasn't sleeping well. At the time that I made the decision I weighed almost 160 pounds.

I don't believe in fancy diets. I simply started to eat better, watched the quantities, watched what time of day I was eating, and I exercised regularly (2 times a week for about 45-1 hour, most weeks, sometimes one, sometimes 3) and tried to be more active in life in general. It took me a year to loose it but I finally got to where I am feeling good again. I have my energy back and I am sleeping better than I have in a long time. I'm now 110 pounds. I am 5'2".

I have one problem now. People are surprisingly mean to me about my weight. I've heard many surprisingly snide comments about how I must have done some trick, or I couldn't possibly understand their over weight issues, or with how I look now it's impossible to have weighed more, or I've never had babies, and I've been told flat out that I am lying about being bigger. I have even been scolded for not using some dieting trick.

To these people I say, "Get over yourselves!" Just because I have a sense of humour about having a tape worm (I don't have a tape worm, gross) and am maintaining my weight doesn't mean I'm barfing or starving myself. I did it the old fashioned way, by being conscientious and patient. I think the mean things that have been said to me are because those misplaced people want what I have accomplished and they are only seeing the results, not the work over the year that I put in to it.

I will not let those who make those snide comments make me feel bad about how I look anymore: Sure it's hard to find my size in a store now because they're always sold out. Sure I have to buy a new wardrobe which makes my broke-ass even more broke. Sure my boobs are 3 cup sizes smaller than before and slightly less perky (I'm 37 years old it was bound to happen anyways).

But! I won't heed those negative comments any more: I don't start fires with the friction of my thighs rubbing together. I don't knock items off tables with my hips as I walk through a restaurant. I can eat ice cream without guilt. I get to buy all new lingerie. I sleep well at night now.

Pfffff in your general direction "you."


  1. Twenty years after my first time going to weightwatchers I am still very overweight but, like you did, trying to get it down again just by watching portions and what I'm eating and exercising (far too many colds and bronchitis put paid to that during January and February and I'm longing to get back up to speed) regularly. I do still remember though that that first time round they spoke about how some people in your life will not be as happy for you as you expect them to be. People like you having a certain 'role' in their lives and if you change yourself, you're changing their world and it can be seen as a threat to them (even if they don't realise themselves that they're doing it). So, yeah, I think "Get over yourselves" is about the only attitude you can have with people determined to tell you what you must/must not have done. Good for you!

    I found this blog linking from Debt can kiss off! So happy to have found another singing blog, which I find really interesting. And you live in Germany, too (thought I'm in NRW). Even better!

  2. Hallo! I'm sorry to go off topic in the comments section, but I'm looking for a singing coach in Frankfurt, and was hoping you might know someone or know how I might find someone. If you wouldn't mind sending me an email, mine is k.notbox at gmail. Thanks in advance for any help! Josephine
