It's one of those blah days, with no particular reason for it. The sun is shining, there is a crisp clean feeling to the air and the fall colours are still vibrant.
So to break the Tuesday the 22nd doldrums I figured I'd remind myself of 22 little things that make me happy.
1. those little floating dish soap bubbles, when you squeeze out the dish soap
2. clean dishes (I hate doing dishes, but I hate a cluttered dirty counter more)
3. a good tune stuck in your head
4. hope
5. a clean floor
6. a day of music practice
7. the tiredness after a workout that tells you you did something good for yourself
8. post card in the mail from a far of friend
9. that moment right before supper where you sit down, fork in hand, and take a deep breath before the first bite
10. a drive in the countryside
11. the smell of fresh laundry
12. an unexpected phone call from your family for no particular reason but to say hi
13. the anticipation during the wrapping of a present
14. checking a task off my list of things to do
15. star gazing on a warm summer night
16. soft fresh power to ski/snowboard in
17. Finishing reading a novel
18. warm baking, from the mixing of ingredients to that moment where you take cupcakes out of the oven and they're still steaming warm
19. a warm blanket
20. petting a cat/dog, happily curled up on your lap
21. hugs
22. a full tank of gas
Ahhhhhh. Happy Tuesday!
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