Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It's one of those blah days, with no particular reason for it. The sun is shining, there is a crisp clean feeling to the air and the fall colours are still vibrant.
So to break the Tuesday the 22nd doldrums I figured I'd remind myself of 22 little things that make me happy.
1. those little floating dish soap bubbles, when you squeeze out the dish soap
2. clean dishes (I hate doing dishes, but I hate a cluttered dirty counter more)
3. a good tune stuck in your head
4. hope
5. a clean floor
6. a day of music practice
7. the tiredness after a workout that tells you you did something good for yourself
8. post card in the mail from a far of friend
9. that moment right before supper where you sit down, fork in hand, and take a deep breath before the first bite
10. a drive in the countryside
11. the smell of fresh laundry
12. an unexpected phone call from your family for no particular reason but to say hi
13. the anticipation during the wrapping of a present
14. checking a task off my list of things to do
15. star gazing on a warm summer night
16. soft fresh power to ski/snowboard in
17. Finishing reading a novel
18. warm baking, from the mixing of ingredients to that moment where you take cupcakes out of the oven and they're still steaming warm
19. a warm blanket
20. petting a cat/dog, happily curled up on your lap
21. hugs
22. a full tank of gas

Ahhhhhh. Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


So I know today will be a great day. This is how I know.
*In the shower the soap tried to leap frog away and I totally ninja grabbed it before it fell. I was smooth and cat like. Oh yeah!
*I also did laundry yesterday, so I get to wear my favourite undies today. As we are all very aware, nothing bad ever happens when you're wearing your favourite underwear. I mean, it's probably a law of nature, or karma, or something. Putting out those good vibes, in consideration of nature's equal and opposite reaction laws, means good vibes are bouncing back. Right?
*First thing this morning I got a very positive email response back to a resume I sent out yesterday. That IS a good thing.
*I have a clear picture of what I need to sing today. I get to decide between a couple new Rossini pieces I just discovered. I'm also cracking at the new piano piece I'm learning too. Woot!

So I'm off to go get groceries now. I'm bound to find some great in-store deal on quality meat at a fraction of the price with this positive energy.

Fingers and toes are crossed, here I go.

(Post script thought. When today's blog starts with NINJA, how could it possibly be a bad day?)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Coffee pro / Coffee Con
*I get to consume cream and sugar, yay :) / I am consuming cream and sugar

*I like the taste of coffee / I have coffee breath for hours that I can't get rid of with mints or brushing.

*I like the smell of coffee / I can't sing for hours cause my throat feels dried out

*A coffee between breakfast and lunch keeps me from stupidly snacking / I am consuming cream and sugar (repeat is not an error)

*Wakes me up so I don't feel like I'm in slow motion or not motivated / Heart feels like it's going to explode

*Motivated to get stuff done after about a half an hour / Coffee is a diuretic, so I need to go to the bathroom NOW! (aka 1/2 hour)

*Wakes me up faster than tea / During coffee I am often still tired and then after wards I STILL crash

*I don't drink coffee regularly enough that I crave it or have any withdrawal when I don't have it / I don't drink coffee regularly enough that it works VERY WELL WHEN I DO DRINK IT!

*I get to use my favourite mug / I have to wash the stains out of my favourite mug

*Cheaper than beer and more accepted as a breakfast beverage than beer / Heard reports of coffee pulling nutrients out of the body to help digest... that can't be good

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Men's pants

I watched a guy in the mall struggle between his ice cream and his jeans. Both were trying to fall to the floor.
Not that I'm up for bucking all fashion trends, but I can' wait till men's 'pants around your knees' fashion is over. Personally, and I'm not speaking for other ladies out there, but I like men's butts. With this current fashion trend, I can't see your butt. In my humble opinion men have nicer butts then women, for a woman to have a nice butt she has to be so thin or anorexic sized. Barf. Please men do yourselves and us admirers, a favour, adopt a different style.
K thanks.